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Monday, December 28, 2015

And That's a Wrap!

Another Christmas season has been wrapped up and with it several handmade gifts were given and received.  A handmade Christmas is traditional in our family.  Gifts always seem to carry some family history or significance.

For my kids:

 This quilt was made from a vintage quilt top bought at an estate sale.  I think, because of the pink fabric, it was done in the 1930s.  The scraps used are from clothing.  I gave this to my son, it's about a queen size quilt.
I made this Christmas quilt using precut Moda squares from the Winter's Song line.  It's a small 'Round the World quilt and I gave it to my daughter.  My grandmother made this version of a quilt many times, using smaller pieces.

Before my mother got sick, she had hand pieced three quilt tops and gotten them ready to quilt.  I've had them stored away for the past 5 years and finished up these two for my brothers (I'm still working on the one I kept for myself).

Mother always signed her work, so I took a picture of one of her signatures and printed it onto labels to add to the back of these quilts.
My son wanted to do something special for his girlfriend and decided to make it himself.  Not bad for just some straight stitching to make a fleece blanket.  The extra part of this quilt is that the back side has a pocket to tuck your feet in.

Into every quilt a ripper usually comes!

I've got this idea for next Christmas...something my grandmother used to do...and this is the beginning of that idea....something for everyone.  That's a long list, about 14 people.

I bought a jelly roll of 42 - 2 1/2 inch strips.  I sewed the different color variations together and then cut those in 2 1/2 inch strips.  I draw out an idea with black spacers added.  It's going to be very colorful!

So that's it for 2015...time to start 2016.

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