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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Christmas Projects from 2009

I ususally try to do something handmade for Christmas grifts.  This year I did pillowcases and a wall hanging.

For my neice Courtney, I applique this pillow case.
Then I did patchwork pillow cases for a couple of gifts and a wall hanging for a dirty Christmas gift.

I made this little frog from scraps from my grandmother and gave it to JonMichael so he would
have something from his great-great-grandmother.  She had already cut the frog out, all I had
to do was sew him and stuff him.  I added real buttons because that was how she made our's
when we were children.  She stuffed ours with birdseed, but the mice liked to chew on them.

Then there was the ornament or mini wall hanging that I put together.  I did a couple of
these for gifts for people at work.

You know, for not starting these projects until November, I did pretty good.