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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Piney's Needle

My grandmother, Sally, and I all share the same one day have a shop.  Grannie worked out of her home, but Papa added a "little house" onto the garage out back of their house and she filled it with her work.  She would go to craft shows and peddle her wares and word of mouth brought customers to her door.

About a year ago, Sally opened an Etsy shop selling her vintage clothing line and her artwork.  She's done pretty well with it.  She'll start working on the shop for her fashion designs soon.

Today, I opened my Esty shop selling handmade items.  I always wanted my physical shop to be at the home place, overlooking the Piney River in the hills of Tennessee.  But for will have to be in the internet hills.

My shop - Piney's Needle

Sally's shop - SallyMarie