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Monday, May 21, 2012

Trying to Put the Pieces Together

Over a month since I've chronicled any sewing projects and that doesn't mean I haven't been busy, but I honestly don't fill like I've been busy in the way of stitching..

But then that past month I've visited a prescriptive college with my son..which he didn't like.  He did like the class rooms and it was the only place where I truly could not pick out my son from all the other boys.  Every one of them looked like they just stepped off the farm...not a baggy pants in the entire gathering.  Lots of camouflage though!
Then I went with my daughter who had her first official "outside of college" runway show.  The proceeds were to benefit human trafficking and she did great.  She wasn't sure what to expect and she was the only designer there that had made her entire line herself.  Most of the other designers had boutiques and the outfits were being commercially made.  But she had the models arguing over which dress they wanted to wear and has since sold some pieces and made some good contacts.  The MC for the night really gave her some high comments about her clothes being for every age group and body size.
 Se also set up a booth to sale some of her smaller items.  She got so excited that we are now planning on doing a street fair this fall.  Yes, those are necklaces made from T-shirts.  I can hook you up if you are interested!
I'm still working on the commissioned memory quilt.  I'll be honest...I'm not sure I like sewing for others...or maybe its just not being free to do what I want.  But I was glad to get the main part of the quilt finished up, just need to add the border now.  And yes...there is a mistake that I didn't see until it was put it stays!
 I tried making me a blouse a few weeks ago with material in my stash.  Unfortunately, once it was finished, I looked like a clown in a striped blouse.  So it got stashed away to be cut up for another project.  I found some orange material I bought last year and decided to play with it a bit. I made an apron of sorts on the front of the skirt.  It makes one huge pocket.  I added the flower pot just for fun. I thought that big pocket would come in handy at the street fair for holding my phone and stuff.
In the midst of all this son graduated from high school.  I was planning on making him a quilt, but just like when his sister graduated, I did not get it finished.  I'll keep working on it and maybe by this fall have it finished.  I'm hand piecing the Drunkard Path and then I'll hand quilt it.  I want at least one all by hand for my kids.
 I know...he looks really excited doesn't he!  I'm so proud of him!
Now...I need to really get busy.