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Friday, October 23, 2015

What If You Fly!

What if I fall?
 Oh, darling, what if you fly?

(from my art journal)
I love this quote.  I saw it last night reading Bella Grace Magazine and had to add it to my art journal.  I have a feather that I've put as a marker for the page, symbolizing the image of flying.

A turkey odd.

I found it on the road after a flock of young turkeys were hurrying across the road, scared, excited, trying to just get out of the way and be safe.  The fence was one where they couldn't run through it or under it....they had to fly.

Turkey's would rather run and walk than fly and I wonder sometimes if they forget they can fly.

(Turkeys in the back yard)
It only took one of these turkeys to spread its wings before the others followed.

Who are you following?

Are they encouraging you to fly?

I want to fly!!!
Come fly with me.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Fall Festivals

Yesterday, Fall blow in with a light frost and a beautiful day for a festival.

 My daughter, Sally, and I set up at the annual Harvest Festival held at the beautiful Grinder's Switch Winery and have a wonderful day of meeting other local artists and lots of neighbors and visitors to our area.  In our booth, I believe you could find something for just about everyone on your shopping list and lots of things for yourself.  Lots of customers left wearing their new purchases from Sally's collection of handmade silver jewelry.  Check out her items at Spring Creek Jewelry
 My repurposed journals were the hit for the day and I'm so glad that I talked with so many young people wanting to do art and write.  My canvas art did well also and I got to share about bible art journaling while explaining how I did the art on vintage bible pages.

Sally and I both had our quilted items out and Sally makes the cutest aprons! 

Our next show will be before Thanksgiving and you can always contact us through our Etsy shops.  Piney's Needle and Spring Creek Jewelry.