I've been using this bag that my mom had her church stuff in for my work bag. I carry my reading material and lunch to work in this. Mom never liked advertising labels. This is one of those generic grocery bags you can pick up just about anywhere. She covered the advertising logo on the front with a left over block from one of her quilts. I really like it.
So when I received this pink bag from work this week that was for an advertising campaign for one of our women's commentaries....I knew what I wanted to do.
I forgot to to take a picture of before. On the other side there was the logo for the commentary in black, much like the printing on the book..
All the ladies at work have a similar bag that they are using. I like that mine is different. But the purple square also reminds me of my mom, keeping me aware of what I'm doing to keep myself healthy. I quilted a heart in one square and a flower in the other. The flower is one I found that I had drawn in one of her journals when I was a little girl. She kept that simple flower in the midst of her bible study notes. It's to remind me, that even in the most difficult situations....I just need to keep it simple.
Love! How much more simple can I keep it.
1 comment:
That is a super great idea!!
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