All Those Scraps
I started pulling out the quilts in one corner of the room last night to document. I almost forgot about these throws I made for the kids one Christmas. I made several that year and gave as gifts to my nephew and brother. I believe that they were made with three blocks of a goose on one. I can't remember what was on the other one, but I believe it was red, pieced block. These strips were added to fleece blankets.
This one is Adam's. They were fused onto the blocks and then I used invisible thread to make sure they stayed. I have never really trusted the fused stuff. I was trying to make the blocks out of material left over from outfits I had made the kids. But Adam was only about 2 at the time and just the blue square and the red colored square were from his clothes.
With Sally's, I was making her clothes all the time. I srarted this hand appliqued dutch doll, thinking I would one day make a full quilt of a calendar quilt...well, I got the first 3 months. Almost every part of this strip was made from her clothes. The red hat was her first Valentine dress and the green hat was her first dress that I made her. The green on the March block was one of her Easter dresses, as was the border strips.
This log cabin was made by my mohter when I was a kid. This block shows some o
f the scraps that she used from my clothes. I remember the Ragedy Ann material, one of favorite blouses and the blue flowers was a dress. I had to be in the 1st or 2nd grade then.
I took the quilt to college with me and still have it. There are alot of strips that are thred bare and the quilt's batting is worn out. Alot of the light strips were made from material my Grannie L. brought in from the shirt factory she worked at years before. They always reminded me of pajama tops.
The first time my brothers came for a visit to our home in Alabama I got into some trouble with my quilts. With all their families staying with us, we had to pull out all the blankets for kids to have beds. This blanket caused some questions and then they started looking at all the other quilts. It seems that this quilt (and some of the others) had been on their beds at one time. Of course, they both moved out and didn't take their quilts unless Mother gave it to them.
Well, I took my quilts with me. It had been on my bed too. So now, no one will let me sleep under any of their quilts because I have been know to keep them if I sleep under them. But I don't let anyone else keep them if they sleep under them....although Sally seems to be taking up my habits.
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